Yes, you heard right - Halloween is tomorrow. If your in a pinch for a costume, both for time and money, and want to look like an adult, I have got two ideas that require items that you already own and no crazy mask - after all, who said fashion had to give way to fright?With his untimely death and This Is It premiering earlier this week, what better way to pay tribute to the late Michael Jackson than with an ode to his iconic style? Surprisingly effortless, it takes no work at all to get this look that Michael made symbolic. Take a pair of black trousers, hike them up in the waist or hem the bottom so that they are ankle-length. Add a pair of thick, white socks and black loafers and your practically 'moon walk' ready. Pair that with a white v-neck and button-down shirt(leave it unbuttoned) and you are good to go. Go even further in
completing the look with a black fedora, and your without doubt making the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, proud.
If that doesn't tickle your fancy, or for whatever reason you don't have those basics in your closet, try Mad Men on for size. Instead of heading home on Friday evening in your usual routine, and jumping out of that suit and into comfy sweats, keep it on. Pair it with a basic width tie(away with the CEO-wide ties people), tie bar, and white pocket square and you are almost there. Slick back the hair, part intact, and your an honest Don Draper in the flesh. Bonus funny points for keeping a cocktail at hand.
Style Report | Easy Halloween Ideas
Mad Men will be big this Halloween.
people have been doing MJ for years...I expect it to be much worst this year.
I think Ill do Mad Men. seems so easy
Now all I need is the MJ hair. Suggestion?
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