Fashion Week is Over

Fashion week has come to a halt until next season and it went off smashingly. I covered all of the shows, having complete reviews and pictures for all to see and hope you all enjoyed it. Even though I was not able to make it and give you FIRST HAND reviews, I still put all my heart and sole into the content and gave you un-edited, real, and un-bias reporting. I hope you all enjoyed it and next season I will be there to witness all the mayhem with my own two eyes, blogging about it as it all goes down.

kiD GQ has now been online for a little under two months now and I am truly thankful for all the positive feedback that Im being giving in the menswear blogosphere and by you readers. I hope everyone continues to log on to the site on an everyday basis for all your fashion cravings with comments and reviews that you wont find anywhere else on the web.

And dont forget to spread the word about kiD GQ so we can make the site bigger, better, and more prominent.
Please take some time out to check out Mens Rag. Mens Rag contributes greatly to kiD GQ and without them we wouldn't have even lasted this long.


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